Wish List
As a non-profit organization, DCC relies on the gracious donations of concerned individuals and businesses. The donations have helped DCC operate as a one-stop resource enter since 1995 and have assisted countless physically and sexually abused children begin the crucial healing process. Our facility has become a safe house for children who face the horrendous effects of abuse. This is possible only through public and private contributions that allow us to operate as a place of healing and hope for children.
We need your support so that we may continue to offer help and hope for the very special victims of physical and sexual abuse.
DCC is a 501 (c) 3 corporation and all contributions are tax deductible.
Monetary contributions of any amount are always welcome, including memorials or donations in honor of someone special.
Supermarkets, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Walmart, Target, K-Mart, Office Max, Staples, Office Depot, etc. Almost all gift certificates can be used in some way.
- Writing: marketing, desktop publishing, grant writing.
- Copy paper
- Stamps
- Scotch tape
- Pens
- Paper towels
- Light bulbs (75w)
- Coloring books
- Stickers
- Decorative pencils
- Small toiletry items such as hair bows, barrettes, toothpaste, and toothbrushes
- Child appropriate DVD’s for playroom
- Individual snacks and fruit juice drinks on a regular basis
We’re presently well-stocked with crayons and teddy bears. No clothing, please.
This list is updated regularly. Please call us at (803) 791-1511 to arrange for donations and to learn more about our services.
Thank you for your generosity!
DCC News
February 2007 – 2007 Light a Heart Campaign
September 2006 – 2006 Auction and Golf Tournament
November 2005 – DCC Mourns the Loss of Nettie Dickerson
November 2005 – 10th Anniversary Drop-In
October 2005 – 2005 Auction and Golf Tournament–a BIG SUCCESS!
October 2005 – 2005 Auction and Golf Tournament
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